Living With Loxone Blog

Loxone’s Biggest Weakness 0

Loxone’s Biggest Weakness

Ever since I started installing Loxone systems I’ve found the biggest weakness is control of multimedia, to say its basic is an understatement. The Loxone media server looks great on paper and Loxone are...

New Tool 0

New Tool

Part of the tidying up of the house has been about moving the loxone kit to more useful positions, today was the turn of the NFC touchpad, previously i’ve had it mounted on a...


Loxone IR Air Control

Hard to believe that this module is now 4 years old, i was one of the fools who invested in the originaly IR Module, which I have to admit caused us no end of...


Home / Small Business Wifi

I’m a big fan of Meraki wifi, with a great range of what I would class high end wi-fi products. Its a hard sell to most businesses and even more so to potential or...

Apple Logo 0

Apple Fatigue

Normally I love Apple products, but of late I think I am getting tired of the mediocre updates they make to products, for which they extract maximum pricing for. I upgraded from the iPhone...

Sky Q 0

Sky Q here we come.

Well its been more than 3 years since we had any form of subscription TV, we’ve used what we saved over paying the mortgage each month, but the time has come to to go...