
Hi there! I’ve always been interested in technology, and especially how it can be used within the home. When my wife and I moved into our current house, my first thoughts were not “where should the sofa go?” but “how can I get CAT5 cables routed round the house?” and “where can the house server be located?“.  After the inevitable raised eyebrows, my wife replied “OK lets get on and wire the rooms up”.

By day I work as an IT consultant, so I’m familiar with networking, servers and communications systems. A request from my friendly local Electrician and heating guys to look for a reasonably priced smart home system for a new-build property they were quoting for, inspired me to look at what was out there technology wise, that didn’t cost the earth.

We took a look at both Crestron and Lutron, but were put off by the high costs of becoming a reseller / installer. Whilst researching we discovered Loxone, an innovative company, building and designing their own equipment in Europe. The required training looked a fair price, so what more could we ask for?

Anyway back to me, after 10 years of living in our current house, we decided to bring it kicking and screaming into the Smart Home era, this site contains some of my experiences both in the past and ongoing with a smattering of technology reviews, hope you find it interesting.

