Monthly Archive: June 2015

USB-C and the new Macbook. 0

USB-C and the new Macbook.

Well after much deliberation, i’ve finally pulled the trigger on the new Retina MacBook, after finally looking at what I generally use my laptops for, it turns out I don’t actually do too much...

Spam… 1


I’m trying to keep this blog free of spam, if anyone has any ideas how to stop being approached about the size of my member, or buying into SEO, I’d be grateful to hear...

Miniserver Go – The Wireless Smart Home Solution 0

Miniserver Go – The Wireless Smart Home Solution

With the Miniserver Go, professional wireless home automation is finally a possibility. Any home can become a smart home with Loxone – find out more today. Source: Miniserver Go – The Wireless Smart Home...

Why would I want a smart home? 0

Why would I want a smart home?

Well here’s a couple of reasons Utility bills : There’s only one way that utility bills are going and thats up! most systems are capable of  monitoring power consumption, occupancy and processing that information, for...