Loxone Config 8.3!!!

Another new update to the Loxone Config software today, all of my devices popped up notifications that there was an updated firmware this morning, so what did we get?

Well no more adding battery capacity information to the front-end, theres now a dedicated menu option to check the battery status, which can be sorted according to  status.

Theres a ton of new features in Loxone Config itself, the best i’ve found so far is when you press F5 to add a function block you can now also search for existing blocks – a welcome addition.

We’ve also got a projects view, which I’m a little disappointed with, i was hoping we might get a history of what modifications had been done to a file, and possibly some sort of changelog built in. Perhaps this is something that will develop further in the future.

I think the new add-ons are worth a pat on the back to Loxone’s engineers, the software has come along leaps and bounds in the 3 years i’ve been working with it. Unlike a lot of software i could name!

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