I think I may have got my panels at the right time.

For the past few years I’ve seen the adverts like the one above, and lusted to have panels installed on our roof, over the same period i’ve also watched the FIT Payments more than halve in value, wondering at what point it would be not worth installing. If the projections we were given are anything to go by, our system should have paid for itself in about 10-11 years.

Well over the last few weeks its been revealed in a government consultation plan that there are plans to cut the payments householders receive by almost 90%, and in the future the payments could disappear altogether (it will avoid the Department Of Energy & Climate Change overspending over £1.5 Billion on its renewable energy budget).

I’d love to write pages about this particular topic, but Graham at 3-e Electrical has pretty nailed my thoughts and feelings in one of his blog posts, you can read about it by following the link Living Without FIT


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